Practopus is a learning management tool for music teachers and motivational practice app for their students.
Students time their music practice on the app, as well as complete additional assignments created and assigned by their teacher. They are rewarded points that can be traded in via the Store tab on their app for virtual Rewards, like avatars that are built into the app, or teacher provided Rewards that are manually entered by their teacher.
Through a teacher account, teachers can track their students’ practice time, create and assign various types of assignments, including requiring students to submit recordings, answer written questions, take a multiple-choice quiz, and watch a video, as well as offer and manage Rewards to provide incentives. Teachers can also give feedback on assignments directly through the app.
Some additional features include a built in metronome on the student app, the ability for teachers to set a recurring daily, weekly, or monthly due date on assignments, provided reports for teachers to compare practice data between students or groups, and the option for teachers to require a parent PIN to verify their students’ practice sessions.
XBit Technology took Practopus from a prototype, with a handful of teachers testing it out, to a publicly available, subscription-based virtual learning tool being utilized by teachers across the US and Canada, and even by some internationally. For many, the app has been a complete game-changer when coping with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the education system.
- Web
- iOS/Androind
- Design
- Quality Assurance