We provide a wide range of technology services

Our work is 

How can we help?


Web and App Product Development - Plan, Build, Support


We will listen and understand your current vision. From here we can help focus and refine your project by:

-Identifying market specifics, such as size and target.
-Pinpointing the problem your project is solving.
-Discuss business plans and revenue models.
-Analyze competition and highlight competitive advantages.
-Create use cases to predict and enhance the user's experience.


We will explain and guide you through the development process, as well as include you in the development at your desired level. Specifically, we will:

-Translate the use cases from the planning phase into a set of technical requirements.
-Present the pros and cons of using different technologies for your project, and make recommendations.
-Break the project down into manageable segments (called sprints) after which a demo will take place so you can monitor progress and give feedback.
-Help manage and coordinate the release of the first version of your product: timing, promotion, and other unique needs for you and your product or site.


We are committed to seeing your project through and staying engaged after the release in order to stand by our work and give you the best chance of long-term success. After your product is released we will:

-Provide ongoing maintenance: bug fixes, monitoring performance, and any other changes beyond your or your team's technical ability.
-Be available to respond to your users' feedback, whether it is a short term modification or planning for a future release of your product.
-Document the specs and build, so that you will have choice and ease when it comes to deciding and executing your next steps.

Website Development

Your website is often the first place potential customers and other important people get a sense of who you are and what you do. It is essential to have a website that reflects your image and any other elements that define your brand.

Whether you are building a brand new site or making changes to your existing site, we can simplify the process and do the heavy lifting. We focus on conveying the way you want to be represented and catering to the needs of the people visiting your website, resulting in a controlled and predictable experience.

We will:

- Recommend the appropriate technology, like host and platform, to meet your needs in the short and long term.
- Develop use cases to understand who your visitors are, why they are visiting your site, and what action you want them to take.
- Work with you at your desired level to design and build your site.
- Offer ongoing maintenance and support after the release to keep the site updated, manage your accounts, and make any desired changes.

Internal Systems

The customer-facing side of a business may get the most attention, but the systems behind the scenes that keep the gears turning are often equally and sometimes even more important.

Automation, databases, and management are just a few of the elements incorporated into internal systems. We can help design and build programs that meet the needs of your business operations.


The best internal systems serve as a tool to facilitate the process in which work gets done. Understanding the way your business works is essential to designing systems that improve rather hinder your operations.


In this day and age, efficiency is critical. Entering the same information 10 times in 10 places, when it could have been entered once is a waste of time, energy, and opportunity. Routine tasks can be automated with built-in quality and accuracy checks, allowing you and your employees to use your time for the activities that bring the maximum benefit to your business.


Gaining insights into the way your business is functioning has never been easier. Your internal systems can have the capability of gathering useful data and generating reports so you can make informed decisions about how your business operates.

UI/UX Design

Creating a user experience that is both engaging and functional will make or break a product. With dwindling attention and little patience for unnecessary effort, users are demanding more intuitive designs and even becoming dedicated followers when a great experience is delivered.

We will:

- Create an experience based on your goals, driving users to the desired actions.
- Balance functionality and aesthetic to provide an experience that is both practical and beautiful.
- Save on time and costs by implementing a streamlined , coordinated, and efficient design.

Quality Assurance

Be confident in the stability and reliability of your system or product. We will test and make recommendations, which we can also implement to fix potential issues and vulnerabilities of your system or product.

We can:

- Develop automated tests to save time and be sure existing and future changes are not breaking past progress.
- Run full system tests to get the full picture of current issues.
- Evaluate the stability of backend infrastructure to ensure reliability, performance, and securtity of your system..


The range of business tools available online has never been as expansive and interconnected. These tools are built for business owners to utilize in a connected and coordinated way to stay agile and efficient. But orchestrating an affective online presence and cohesive operation can also be complex and overwhelming.

You may be looking to take advantage of tools to run your team more efficiently, connect different pieces of your online strategy, or even looking for a seamless sales process.

Whatever your goals with your integrations are, we can:

- Research and present the costs and benefits of different tools as related your purpose.
- Design and connect the integrations into your system.
- Continue to manage and support your integrations.


It has never been safer and more streamlined to operate a business than it is right now. In fact, the number of options to help manage your data and activities can be overwhelming.

Whether you are ready to move your data, applications, and/or workload from servers in an office to the cloud, or switching cloud services, we can help by:

- Planning a safe and secure migration, including recommending hosts and service providers that best meet your business needs.
- Creating reliable backups of everything to ensure nothing is unintentionally lost.
- Providing support after the migration to help navigate the new landscape.

Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning

Being able to learn from users' behavior, predict behavior, and cater content are invaluable features of a product or system. Businesses can use AI to create a personal and dynamic experience for their users. With machine-learning, systems can analyze and make improvements based on their own data and performance.

If you are looking to implement AI into your product or business technology, we can:

- Brainstorm innovative ways to use AI for your particular business, product, or systems.
- Plan and build AI into your current structure or as part of a new system.
- Find the right AI specialist or team to suit your specific project.
- Help you win every Chess tournament.
- Take over the world with evil robots.


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